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In a dramatic twist reminiscence of mass protests, thousands of Emmanuel TV fans, the broadcasting arm of Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN are moving away with enthusiasm from the DSTV cable platform to Free  to Air (FTA) Decoder.

This followed the delisting of the channel on the 17th January this year from its platform on an unsubstantiated allegation which viewers have described as "flimsy and spurious". 

Our investigations show that DSTV wrote to SCOAN alleging that viewers of Emmanuel TV were no longer strong enough for it to retain the Christian channel on its stable. But  SCOAN disagreed with the DSTV's allegation and made a request for an empirical proof which DSTV failed to provide and still went ahead to remove the channel in what looked like a premeditated decision.
 Our investigations also show that Emmanuel TV before now had been under pressure and attack for "airing offensive broadcasts against the mental health of some people in the world". These so-called offended people are those in the categories of LGTBQ people who manifested and received deliverance during SCOAN's services. This obviously is the crux of the matter as the church has no control over whom the holy spirit would arrest during its church services.

In Lagos, Nigeria, Mr. Mohammed Rasak, a technician has been experiencing a boom in his business. He stated how occupied he had been in the last few days installing HD Decoders for people.  "I was wondering why so many people are buying HD Decoders not until these clients told me it was because of Emmanuel TV. Personally I must confess I am a Muslim but DSTV has really fumbled by removing Emmanuel TV because we all love the channel and TBJoshua as a Christian  Pastor that stands out in the world. We all knew him and saw his lifestyle; the great spiritual and philanthropic activities that were all transparent to see. His life was practical, even we Muslims love him because of his outstanding legacies in body soul and spirit. Nobody can tell us nonsense about him. It's a good season for my business".

Consequently, SCOAN in its Sunday service had announced its migration from DSTV, GOTV and all other pay cable platforms   asking all Emmanuel TV viewers across the globe to follow suit to Free To Air FTA  High Definition HD Decoder, Apple TV, FireTV stick, Roku TV, Google TV all to be downloaded on the Apple Store and Google Play where "accessing Emmanuel TV is about to become more versatile, more convenient and more reliable". 

That was the command and it has gone like a bush fire among its members and lovers of Emmanuel TV. 

A career diplomat who does not want his name in print has this to say:  
"I really don't have facts on the matter but my immediate thought from the smokes was that it has to do with the same issue YouTube frowned at which is talking about homosexuality.  The west is very intolerant of any criticism of the demonic practice. DSTV may actually be fighting a proxy war for the west" he said. 

The migration from DSTV family is now 'operation totality'. From the South to North and East to West especially in the African continent where we have tried to feel the pulse of the people. 

Mrs okuwengu Nancy a public affairs guru in East Africa has this to say: "I understand that being with DSTV is not at all a cost effective venture because it is ridiculously expensive for both the church and users.  I also noticed from various calls made to me by Kenyans and Nations around that they too will no longer use DSTV because they mainly needed it for Emmanuel TV. The only thing they will miss in DSTV is football but other streaming services like Netflix are cheaper and give equally good entertainment like movies. People are moving to free to air decoders".

Mr. Nematandam Kirstan, a South African tycoon has this to say:
"The biggest looser is DSTV. With  the latest technical innovations we can watch Emmanuel TV in various platforms. Your mobile phone creates lots of platforms for you. Many are now moving to watch Emmanuel TV on Free to Air channel. 
What happened to the era of the print media? You can now access any newspaper on your mobile. AI is now giving challenges to institutions of higher learning. Stock markets are running Helter skelter because AI assists traders to trade with ease. Pay TV will soon run out of subscribers.
"Of course ours could also be a spiritual thing but it's too late now. God has created more platforms for Emmanuel TV. 
Emmanuel TV will increase its viewership because of the Free to Air Decoders, social media etc. Ordinary people who could not afford DSTV can now enjoy the blessings of Emmanuel TV ".

To Hillary Njau in Tanzania: DSTV attack on Emmanuel TV is actually a blessing in disguise. It has created more awareness for it and  many people including fresh ones are all moving to Free to Air Decoders because of Emmanuel TV".

Mr. Kabango from Malawi was visibly angry with the DSTV's decision:
"Well, the motive behind the whole movie does not make sense to me. Look here, how can praying for someone who freely decided to come to church and ask for God’s help with same-sex attraction issues now be classified as hate speech? 

"Are people forced to go to church? No! Are people pressed to be delivered? No! So, why make a decision which will affect millions of people who bank on the channel for prayers on such a premise? 
"Where I stay, about 30people gather at one house to watch prayers on Sunday. Closing the channel means these people would not be able to watch prayers just because of someone who feels his/her right has been violated. Dstv is not fair by its autocratic decision but thank God for free to air decoder now available". 

To Winnie Nations, a media practitioner in  in East Africa:
"It's anachronistic for DSTV to delist Emmanuel TV especially now in the light of the unacceptable BBC poor movies called investigative journalism. Their objective is to leave Emmanuel TV viewers hanging and possibly get them scattered so that if possible they won't hear of the church again. But God is greater than them all. The gate of hell shall not prevail. We understand their deceits because God has given us grace to see beyond their conspiracies.  Emmanuel TV is moving higher with free to air Decoders that people are now trooping to have"

Mr. Orji Onyekwere in Lagos has this to say in his reaction:
"It's really surprising Knowing that Emmanuel TV has a lot of followers all over the world and that also means more subscription for the DStv and GOtv channels.                However, you cannot remove the role of the imperialist, I mean the world powers; who are now doing everything to turn the Bible upside down by encouraging gay practice and doing everything to make sure the whole world accepts that misnomer.  So, by  yanking Emmanuel TV off the DStv  and GOtv channels, they are  determined to fight the church through all means. 
They know how powerful Emmanuel TV is and the lives the channel have touched and is still touching but nobody can fight God.
"Going on free to air platforms will also afford a lot of the faithful that cannot subscribe to the exorbitant price of DStv and GOtv bouquets to get a more profitable alternative that will cost them nothing.
"So, it's all the pay Tv platforms that are losing this time and not Emmanuel TV or Synagogue Church Of All Nations SCOAN".

Mr. Abraham Showunmi, a Forensic Chartered Accountants was completely upset by the erratic decision of DSTV against Emmanuel TV:
" I have four DSTV decoders for my different outfits. They called me for a promotional offer.
I declined the offer for the sole reason that they removed Emmanuel tv from their decoder.
They promised to get back to me. I told them that it's not necessary because I will never subscribe to them again.
From this charade of both BBC and DSTV, I can see that the time for our church's  promotion has come with all these trials of faith and persecutions.The Lord is our strength.
Love is our weapon against our enemies. Our battle is the Lord's" he stated.

From all indications, notwithstanding the DSTV's bullets against Emmanuel TV, the SCOAN's Christian channel is waxing stronger as more platforms are now available for its lovers.

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